Our tireless commitment to a healthy ecosystem
As creators of literary works, we are determined to promote a harmonious coexistence between the pleasure of reading and the well-being of our environment. Even though reading books brings immeasurable benefits, we must be aware of its ecological footprint. Extracting pulp from trees to make paper upsets the delicate balance of our natural environment. Every book by Seppadu Viddhai reminds us that every tree counts. In line with our deep commitment to the environment, Seppadu Viddhai proudly supports the "Plant Plenty Trees" campaign launched by SAAMARAM. With every sale of our book, the author wholeheartedly commits to planting a tree as a symbol of our shared responsibility to nurture and restore our precious ecosystems.
Recognizing the dynamic nature of our natural world, we embrace the concept of ecological succession — a gradual process by which ecosystems evolve and change over time. As plant communities undergo metamorphosis, an intricate dance unfolds involving microorganisms, fungi, animal species and humanity itself.
The inhabitants of a particular place are in a constant state of flux, adapting to the ever-changing physical and chemical environment. The lush greenery that adorns our earth and breathes life into its essence is the basis for all existence. The four-legged creatures that roam the land, the winged creatures that populate the sky, and our crawling and swimming relatives that call this earth home — they all contribute to the intricate web of life.
Remarkably, even if humanity were to disappear from the scene, the resilience of life would remain, as the Earth would continue to flourish and thrive. This realization reminds us of the deep interconnectedness of all living things and the crucial role we play in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet.
As we embark on this journey of ecological awareness, we should recognize our collective responsibility to preserve the magnificence of our natural world. Through our actions, large and small, we can cultivate a legacy of harmony and ensure that the symphony of life continues to resound for generations to come.
Whereas, throughout history, people have used all parts of the tree for healing purposes and medicine. Trees are tremendously powerful plants.
Not only can they absorb carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen, but they can also absorb negative forces and convert them to good energy.
Trees are firmly rooted to the earth, and the stronger a tree is rooted, the higher it can extend to Heaven. Trees stand very still and absorb the energy of the earth and the universal force.

Trees are the largest and most spiritually advanced plants on earth. They are constantly in meditation, and subtle energy is their natural language. As your understanding of this language grows, you can begin to develop a relationship with them. They can help you open your energy channels and cultivate calm, presence and vitality. In turn, you can help them with their own blockages and de-vitalized areas. It is a mutually beneficial relationship that must be nurtured.
Throughout history, people have used all parts of the tree for healing and medicine. The best trees for healing are large trees, they emit vibrations, nourish the blood, strengthen the nervous system and contribute to long life. They also nourish souls and spirits. There are many “immortality trees”.
The larger trees contain the most energy. Among the most powerful trees are those that grow near flowing water. Some trees feel warmer or hotter than others; some feel cooler or colder than others. Practise recognising the different characteristics of different trees. You do not have to go far into the forest to find a suitable tree to work with.
Trees that are used to the presence of people understand our energy and are more approachable and friendly than trees far out in the wilderness. There is a certain size range where trees are most accessible to people. If a tree is too small, it does not have enough energy to make a big impression on us.
If the tree is too big, you have the opposite problem, so it takes more persistence to get big trees to care about you. As a source of healing energy, it is best to choose a large, sturdy tree from the achievable size range.
There are certain methods for approaching, interacting with, retreating from, and taking leave of a tree. By following certain steps, you create a ritual of silent communion that both you and the tree can understand, increasing the potential for harmonious interaction.
The steps were derived from observation of the natural sequence of events in the subtle energy community and apply to communion with just about anything: tree, rock, human or animal, although the following is specifically about trees.
First of all, every tree, like every human being, has a personality, desires and life of its own. Trees vary greatly in their preference for human contact. Some are very generous and want to give you as much energy as you can take. Others are weak or sick and need your comforting and healing energy. Some are just friendly souls who enjoy human company. You can learn and grow by working with all of them.
Trees work on a longer time scale than human beings.
You can help bridge that time gap by returning to the same tree again and again so that a relationship develops. Visit regularly so the tree knows when to expect you and look forward to seeing you.
Spiritual communion with trees is more like love than any other human activity.
Let the tree guide you into the wonders of its own inner life.

The VEDAS mention the Kalpadroma, a cloud tree of immense size. This tree grew on a steep mountain slope, and the shadow it cast produced the phenomenon of day and night before the creation of the sun and moon.
In the RIG VEDA, Brahma is described as the creator in the form of a huge tree that spans the entire world, and the gods are depicted as branches of this tree.
The Bodhi tree, under which Gautama Buddha received his enlightenment, is described as covered with divine flowers and shimmering with all kinds of precious stones. This most sacred pipal tree is described in the allegories, down to its smallest leaves, as being studded with gems more lustrous than the peacock's tail.
The Egyptians also had a tree allegory, a jewel-bearing tree that stands in the east of the world and on which the god Horus climbs to bring forth the phenomenon of sunrise.
In Chinese mythology, seven miraculous trees once flourished in the Kuen Lun Mountains. The largest of them, made of jade, bore fruit that conferred immortality - the golden apples of the Hesperides.
The Arabs represented the zodiac in the form of a tree and depicted the stars as its fruits. The Arabs represented the zodiac in the form of a tree and pictured the stars as its fruits. Thus, there were twelve branches, and when the sun entered each sign on its annual course, the fruits ripened.
In Scandinavian rites there is the star-bearing world tree Yggdrasil, on which Odin hung himself for nine months to gain wisdom.
In the Edda, our visible universe springs from under the lush branches of the world tree - Yggdrasil, the tree with three roots. The care of the World Tree is entrusted to three maidens - Urdhr, Verdandi and Skuld, or the present, the past and the future. Every morning, when they determine the duration of human life, they draw water from the Urdhr well and sprinkle it on the roots of the worldly tree so that it may live. The exhalations of the ashes, Yggdrasil, condense and descend upon our earth to give life to every part of inanimate matter and change its form. This tree is the symbol of universal life, both organic and inorganic; its emanations represent the spirit that animates every form of creation; and of its three roots, one reaches to the sky, the second to the dwelling of the magical giants, the inhabitants of the high mountains - and on the third, under which is the spring Hvergelmir, gnaws the monster Nidhogg, who constantly tempts people to evil.